Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Doors

This painting has been sold

Oil on hardboard 8" x 8"

Remember the pop group in the 60s? Jim Morrison and The Doors? No, of course, I don't suppose most of you do. Well to be honest I don't remember them all that well myself, not because I wasn't a grown up person then, because I was :-) but I spent most of the 60s washing nappies and wiping noses :-). I read on Wikipedia however that the group still sells a million albums annually which is amazing isn't it? We have Leonard Cohen in Manchester soon but I don't think I'll go - can't hear so good, but I used to love his stuff. Anyway, 2 yellow doors in Stalybridge with the varnish coming off them. That particular place has been shut up for ages. I don't know what it was but it was kind of relaxing to paint.


Blogger rob ijbema said...

i would think, it is a good thing you can't hear leonard Cohen so well,haha
yes the Doors are still kickin

i like how you offset the oker colored doors against the blue trimmings,once again,you captured the mood!

10:19 AM  
Blogger Sheila Vaughan said...

Hi Rob, yeh, I guess if I started listing to old Len again the paintings might get that dark I might as well just use black primer on some bits of old hardboard and call it a day :-). Nice to see you.

4:46 PM  

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